Godzilla The Deadly Asteroid Ice Mountain Production Background (1979) - ID: mar23239

Godzilla The Deadly Asteroid Ice Mountain Production Background (1979) - ID: mar23239 Hanna Barbera
Price: $100.00
SKU: mar23239

A production background from the Hanna Barbera Studios animated series "Godzilla" (1978-1979). Featuring an icy mountain landscape, the hand-painted background was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The piece is an actual frame of animation that was photographed and appears in the thirteenth episode of season two, titled "The Deadly Asteroid," which aired on December 8, 1979. Measuring 10.5"x13.5", the background is in very good condition with minor surface wear, smudging on the bottom middle, slight warping to the paper, and trimmed and reattached peg holes.

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